söndag 12 september 2010

Lazy Sunday

Today is gonna be a very lazy Sunday for me, I have no plans and I'm not gonna make any either. Might have the energy later to clean up a bit, I need to go through all my summer shoes and put them away for the winter, I think I can throw some of them out as well.

Had a great night at Robin's last night, the time flew by. A lot of people from work were there, it's nicer to meet them outside work :) Jessica and I took the night bus home from Jakobsberg at 3am and it was closer to 4am before we arrived to St:Eriks plan. Took a taxi from there and then I more or less fell into bed. Luckily I managed to sleep until 11:20 this morning so I got a few hours sleep. I have a bit of a headache today but I actually thought it was gonna be worse. If I just get some breakfast into me I should be fine..

I wonder how the party Lena went to last night was, she was going to a 80's party :) I'm looking forward to seeing the photos later!

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