söndag 26 september 2010

Broadband is working again

I'm so happy right now as my broadband is working again, Telia was right to say that the problem was the fact that I had such an old modem. The new modem is working very well and it has a built in wireless that I can use as well. Happy days, now I don't have to bring my work laptop home every day to be able to surf at home :)

Today I'm gonna take it easy but I'm also planning to go to the bodypump class at 17:00 again. I'm kind of dreading it but I think it is for the best to just go, hopefully my muscles won't be as sore as they were the last time... I wanna be able to walk! ;)

Haven't done any scrapbooking since last weekend so I think I'm gonna do that for a while today, but then I will have to bring it all out from my neat little boxes again and the table in the sitting room is going to look like a mess - oh well!

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