måndag 24 januari 2011

I need some rest

Today I decided to join the bodypump class at 12:00 and the instructor was somebody I've never met before but I was really impressed by her. She pushed as all and made sure we had the right technique which is SO important. She walked around in the room to watch us and I did my best to keep up with it all. My legs were quite sore from the running last night so I was careful not to put on too much weights. It was a great class though and when I came back to the office to have lunch I had that shaky feeling in both arms and legs - love it! We'll see how my body feels tomorrow ;)

Tonight it's time for Guldbaggegalan 2011. I'm gonna watch that and then go to bed, I need some sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be a training free day, thank God. But I know it's equally important to rest in between the training sessions. I'm dying to do some scrapbooking but I'm too tired right now, hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow night or otherwise I will have to wait until the weekend since I have something to do every night this week.

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