söndag 23 januari 2011

Gotta love that kid

The weekend is coming to an end but I've had a lovely one so I'm not too sad about it. Right now I'm phyiscally exhausted since I went to the gym for a run this afternoon. I ran 10 km on the threadmill and my legs are quite sore after that. Bodypump is on the agenda for tomorrow but we'll see how it goes ;) I'll have to take it easy with the weights I reckon. It feels great though, I'm getting into the training again. I'm writing down all of my training sessions now and I'm trying to squeeze in 2 running sessions per week at least, one shorter distance and one longer (starting off with 10 km but then I'm gonna try to add 1 km at a time). I'm glad I can complete 10 km without any major problems since I haven't been running properly since this summer. So far this my training weeks for 2011 have looked like this:

Week 1
Monday: Bodypump 55 min

Week 2
Monday: 5 km run - 9,5km/hr
Tuesday: Bodypump 55 min
Friday: Functional toning 55 min

Week 3
Monday: 8 km run - 10km/hr
Tuesday: Bodypump 55 min
Saturday: 5 km run - 10,5km/hr
Sunday: 10 km run - 9,5km/hr

Yesterday I went to Vallentuna to have dinner with Kim, Lisa and Benjamin. It was lovely to see Benjamin again and he was full of energy as always. I asked them if he has started talking yet but they said he's still mostly saying "Da" but he's trying. At the kitchen table, Benjamin was eating away and all of a sudden he looked at his mam, formed his lips and out came a loud and clear "Bajs!" (= poo). That was the first word I heard him say ;) After that I heard him say some other words like "Pappa" (= daddy), "Ljus" (= candle) and "Aj" (= ouch). Good boy! Benjamin and I got to play a lot and he gave me a lot of kisses. I stayed the night so we kept playing with each other this morning :) I hope I get to see him soon again cause I miss him already!

Last night we saw the film Precious, it's based on the novel Push by Sapphire. It's a horrible but true story and I really liked the film. The film stars Mariah Carey.


3 kommentarer:

  1. Vilken fin blogg du har, Katja! Kul att se dig hos Louise. Hoppas att vi ses snart igen. Kram Jeanette

  2. Vad flitig du är med din träning! Det blir nog inga problem för dig att klara Göteborgsvarvet!
    Var registrerar du din träning? Det hade varit kul att ha dig som "träningskompis" på Funbeat.se där jag håller koll på min träning!
    Ps. Tack för dina peppande ord på min sida - jag vet nog innerst inne de flesta dagar att det måste få ta tid...

  3. Jeanette: Tack, åh så glad jag blir! :) Det var jättekul att ses hos Louise och vi får se till att det blir snart igen ;) Kram till dig!

    Kajsa: Jag försöker, får se hur länge det varar - ha ha. Men just nu är det riktigt kul o det är roligt att ha ett mål! Jag har precis registrerat mig på funbeat.se nu så vi kan bli kompisar där ;) Stora kramen till dig!
