tisdag 18 januari 2011

Fajitas and red wine on a Tuesday

I'm currently finishing up in work and getting ready to head over to Petra at Råstensgatan in Sundbyberg. She has invited myself and Jessica over for dinner tonight and we're gonna have fajitas and red wine :) She is moving out of her apartment soon but it will be nice to see it so that I can compare it to her new place as I expect to be invited to the house warming party later on this spring (hint, hint). Today has been a long day, I got up at 6 o'clock this morning to head to the gym. We were 5 people from work altogether and I was shocked when I saw Sven walking in ;) I tried to persuade him to go last week but he just shook his head and when I asked him gently last night I got a quick No! for an answer. It was fun but I reckon my body is gonna be sore again tomorrow, I can already feel it coming on now!

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