torsdag 8 september 2011

Loads of stuff

Tonight I'm going through the apartment to see how much stuff I've stored that I don't really need. I've already filled six (!!) bags with crap. It feels so good and I'm dying to get rid of even more. Among all the things, I found 300 SEK in cash and also three silver rings that I have been looking for quite a while now. Well, two of the rings I had forgotten about but one in particular I was really glad to find :)

Today has been a really busy day in work, I've been really busy all week actually. There are a lot of small projects that we're soon going live with and everything is not going as smoothly as we would like it to go. Hopefully I'll get a lot done tomorrow so that I can relax this weekend and just have fun. I'm actually attending my first scrapbooking event and I'm really looking forward to it. Emmeli asked me to go when she was here this summer and I thought why not. Tomorrow night I'm packing my things and going to Enköping to meet 59 other scrapbooking girls. I bet they're all really good at what they're doing so I'm hoping to learn a lot and to get a lot of inspiration :)

A couple of weeks ago I went over to Maria after work. I haven't seen her since she went on maternity leave and I was really looking forward to meeting her second son Markus. He's such a cutie and looks exactly like his brother Lukas. We had a lovely evening and got to catch up properly, hopefully I'll get to see them soon again.

1 kommentar:

  1. Åååh gumman va kul vi ska ha i helgen, längtar massor men har stort huvudbry med packningen - hua va svårt det är men det ska väl förhoppningsvis gå bra. Puss och Kram!
