onsdag 30 mars 2011

Wine and crisps..

..that's a good combination! Myself and Lena treated ourselves on the flight back to Stockholm this evening :) It has been a stressful week so far and I could feel the headache coming on so we both ordered some wine to relax. Now I'm back in the apartment again and I'm so happy that it's still bright out, we're definitely heading towards the summer - me like!

I'm extremely tired now so it's gonna be an early night for me. I have to get up early-ish tomorrow morning to be able to get things done. I have one meeting from 9-10 and another one from 11-16 which means that I need to do some work in between. I also want to go down to the gym for a run both tomorrow and on Friday. I won't have time for any long runs but want to run at least 5 kilometres. Now it's only 3 days before we head off to Lanzarote :D

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