fredag 25 mars 2011

Happy Friday

I've had a good productive day in work today and finished the week off by going down to the gym to run 10 kilometres on the threadmill in 53 minutes and 27 seconds to be exact ;) I was quite tired after that but haven't done any exercising since Monday when I went to the bodypump class. I don't think I'll be doing any more running this week and on Monday I'm going to Denmark with work which means I won't be going to the gym for the first three days of next week either :( Felt great after the run today but now I'm really full since I've been eating loads and loads of cheese and biscuits. I've also had some red wine but that's allowed since it's Friday ;)

Have been playing around in Photoshop Elements 9 this evening with a photo I took this week of the beautiful tulips I received :)

Tomorrow it's Saturday and that means it's only one more week until Maria and I take off for Lanzarote!! My friend Niamh from Ireland will also be there that week so I've promised her we'll try to meet up one of the days. Can't wait for my holidays, I need some sun :)

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