torsdag 16 december 2010

Day 20 – Confessions of a shop-a-holic

Clothes, clothes and more clothes... I just can't stop buying clothes so I guess I have to admit that I'm a true shop-a-holic!

I started quite early but back then I didn't have that much money to spend on clothes. All the money I got for birthdays or from my monthly allowance I spent on clothes though. I remember that whenever I got home with my shopping bags, I used to try to hide them from mam ;)

I used to be addicted to jeans and had between 20-30 pairs at one stage, but I'm getting better these days. Well perhaps I shouldn't say I'm getting better, what I really mean is that I don't spend all my money on jeans but instead I buy dresses, blouses, jumpers, cardigans, shoes, bags and so on. I don't want to think about how much money I spend on clothes each year. I try not to walk around in the shops because that is when I just want everything and the thing is that the more I buy, the more I want to buy. Something is seriously wrong with me!!

My wardrobe is completely stuffed with clothes and even though I, on a regular basis, try to go through my clothes to see what I can give away, it's not enough. For many people such a wardrobe would be enough for two people but I think that the person who is going to live with me will have to be prepared to come up with other solutions ;) Sometimes I'm actually embarrassed with how much clothes I have got, the good thing is that I know I'm not alone with this problem (if you want to call it a problem) :)

Anyway I love wearing nice clothes so it's definitely worth it. Sometimes I just wish I could save a bit more rather than spending it all ;)

What's behind these doors? ;)

Are you impressed by the amount of hangers? ;)

2 kommentarer:

  1. i januari tänkte jag ha en swap kväll, kanske du vill rensa ut lite och komma ;)
