lördag 30 oktober 2010

Tidy up

Today is gonna be a very productive day I've decided. I have to clean up my apartment properly, not only the standard things like hoovering, dusting, scrubbing the bathroom etc. I need to go through drawers, put some things in the cellar, throw out things that I don't need, organise jewellery and so on. It will take some time, I know, but I'm gonna start and I'm hoping to have time for a lot of the stuff on my list anyway. Boring? Yes, but it feels so good afterwards.

Last night's afterwork was really nice. As always, the Customer Service representatives were the last ones standing ;) Well, that is not entirely true, Petra represented planning very well ;) We decided to walk over to another Oktoberfest party in the building of her former employer. Stayed there for a while watching the competitions going on, but then it was time to leave. I was really tired so I went home but the others moved on! :)

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