tisdag 5 oktober 2010

Conn at my desk :)

Ciarán has put up so many nice photos of Conn on FB and I've had the honour to watch videos of him as well :) He's so cute so I just had to print out a photo of him and put him up at my desk, now he's with me every day at work! :)

When I walked down to Ekbacksvägen today to pick up my car I first saw one car almost running over a motorbike as it was changing lanes and then two seconds later another two cars nearly crashed into each other. What's wrong with people!?? They don't seem to be paying too much attention on the roads anyway. Talking about cars, my car is so dirty now that I'm almost ashamed driving around in it :S I've been waiting for some rain so that the worst layer of dirt could go away but just because of that it hasn't been raining lately at all. Well, I'm rather happy about that but it's just a bit typical. The weather has been awesome lately actually and the shifting colours on the trees are amazing!

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