tisdag 18 maj 2010

Running or no running

I don't really know what is going on but for about 2 weeks now, I've hardly done any running at all and I haven't been to the gym either. The weather is so nice right now that I don't want to go to the gym, but for some reason I find it hard to motivate myself to go out running..

I've had a long day in work, sat in a workshop all day from 9-17 with hardly any breaks except for lunch. I've got a big headache so I reckon a shorter run is in order but here I am in the sofa trying to talk myself into this. I come up with all sorts of excuses even though I know how good I'll feel afterwards.

Spoke with dad and they're probably gonna operate his knee some time tomorrow, his knee is apparently crushed. I hope all goes well and that he won't be in too much pain, I think he's slowly realising now that his injuries aren't minor and that he won't be able to move around like he used to for a long time!

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