7:00 - 15 minutes have past since the alarm clock went off. I had decided to get up at 7:00 today to allow myself some time on the couch in front of the telly with a cup of coffee. I never do that and last night I decided that today was the day. However, this didn't really go according to plan ;)
8:00 - Alarm goes off again for the 50th time (well that is what it feels like cause I've been pressing the snooze button so many times that I've lost count..). I turn it off and realise that I really have to get out of bed. I jump out at about 8:10 and look out the window. The snow is covering the ground and the trees and the thermometer shows -10 degrees, brrrr. Decide to put on some warm clothes and choose a black pair of jeans and a rusty coloured knitted jumper. I've also started using my warm Timberland boots that I bought two years ago, they really keep my feet warm :)
9:00 - When I'm dressed and ready for work I walk down to my car. When it's this cold I always wonder if the car will start, but so far there has been no problems. Good car! ;) Get into work about 9:15 and finally I get my cup of coffee. I eat a sandwich that I've brought with me at my desk while going through my emails. Tell my colleagues that an ongoing issue finally has been fixed and I get a big Hurray back!
10:00 - First meeting for today with my boss and the CS team leaders. There is a lot on the agenda and we go through some targets and goals for 2011.
11:00 - Half way through the meeting and I wonder if we'll be able to go through all the points on the agenda. 11:58 we're finally done and I'm getting hungry. Lunch time!
12:00 - Since it's so cold outside I don't fancy going down to get something to eat, I decide to use my Mat på jobbet card and buy a quiche that I have together with Jon, Christoffer and Frida. We talk about the skiing trip in February, North Korea and alcohol among other things ;) After an enjoyable chat, it's time to go back to our desks.
13:00 - Trying to sort out an issue with some Danish invoices and finally manage to solve it :) Get through a few smaller tasks and feel happy with myself. Decide to go to the cafeteria to get some water and when I open the door to the room where we sit on my way back, I bump into the stupid door for the 3rd time today!!! We've had an issue with this door for quite a while cause it hasn't closed properly. However, now it doesn't seem to open properly instead and I don't think there is anybody in the CS team who has not complained about the door today.
14:00 - Time for the second meeting for today. We're waiting and waiting for all the people to call in but the key person that definitely needs to join seems to have disappeared. We decide to cancel the meeting and reschedule the call for tomorrow.
15:00 - Working away at my desk and it's starting to get dark :(
16:00 - Now it's pitch black outside and I'm trying to finish up since I need to leave early today to head into town. Walking down to Sundbybergs station and hop on the tube towards Kungsträdgården.
17:00 - Walk around in Åhlens, pick up a nail varnish in a very nice dark green colour and also a nail art silver glitter striper :) Move on to the jewellery section but don't find anything of interest. Time to hop on the tube again to go to Gamla stan. Walk through Stortorget and the Christmas market that they arrange every year and I'm getting a christmassy feeling :)
18:00 - Have an appointment with a lovely and wise lady called Irmelie. It's my third time seeing her, the last time I saw her was in October last year. I'm excited and wonder what she has got to say this time.
19:00 - Still in the little room at Brunnsgränd with Irmelie. I listen to her and take notes but I don't know if I'm happy with what she's saying, we'll see if she's right. 19:40 we finally say our goodbyes and wish each other a Happy Christmas!
20:00 - On the tube back to work to pick up my car. Think about a lot of things.
21:00 Finally home, I'm starving!!! Heat up some soup and start up the computer to finish off this blog post.
22:00 - Finally finished :) Extremely tired so it's time to head to bed. Tomorrow is another day!
Haha! Good to hear I'm not the only snooooozer ;))
SvaraRaderahej! råkar du ha numret till Irmelie, jag blev så glad att jag hittade ngn som besökt henne.. jag har besökt henne för många år sedan men kan inte hitta numret nånstans! Om du har det skulle jag bli väldigt glad :-) Jag hade ett mobilnummer till henne en gång i tiden, hoppas att hon ännu är verksam. Med vänlig hälsning Johanna
SvaraRaderaHej! Vad lustigt att du också varit hos henne tidigare. Jag har ett nummer inlagt för henne i min telefon men det var ett tag sen jag var hos henne så jag vet inte om det gäller längre. Det numret är hur som helst 070 - 7748371. Lycka till! :)
SvaraRaderaMen åh tack Katja! jag ringde och bokade mig en tid, hon har samma nr kvar. Tack snälla! Som jag letat för att finna henne igen :-)