lördag 25 december 2010

So full

I'm so full right now!! We've done nothing else but eat and drink since we got here, I can't even remember what it's like to be hungry ;) We've been to my auntie's house tonight for dinner, she had made a gorgeous fish gratin for us all and we were about 15 people. Now we're back in my other auntie's house again so we're sitting in the couch drinking wine and watching tv. We've had a great Christmas and it's so nice to be back to celebrate Christmas with the Hellman family. Benjamin seemed to enjoy it as well, he was scared of Santa Claus at first but when he started receiving a lot of Christmas presents he seemed happier. He had a big pile of them afterwards so there was a lot of unwrapping to do ;)

It's very windy right now and it has started to snow again, I hope it won't be as windy tomorrow when we're going back with the ferry. Hope you've all had a lovely Christmas with friends and family. Have to get back to the eating again, crisps and dip is on the table ;)

2 kommentarer:

  1. God Fortsättning vännen min! Tack för det superfina julkortet, jag blev så glad! ♥ Så fin bloggen har blivit oxå! Jag har en massa intressant läsning att ta igen här inne! Längtar efter dig! Kramar Emmeli ♥

  2. God fortsättning darlingen! Tack själv för ditt underbara julkort, lika kul varje gång att få julkort från dig. Hoppas julen har varit bra, jag kom hem från Åland igår och vi har haft det fantastiskt bra :) Längtar efter dig också, vill du komma upp och hälsa på mig i Sthlm snart? Puss ♥
