I have one friend in particular that I would like to dedicate this blog post to and it is my dearest friend in the whole wide world - Maria ♥. We first met when we were about 16 and we've been inseparable ever since. We've been through so much over the years and have countless memories together. Maria knows me inside out and she's always there for me when I need her. I can talk to her about absolutely anything and we have so much fun together. She's a true friend and I wish her nothing but happiness!
Maria and I went to Dublin together in the autumn of 1998. We did everything together back then; we worked together, we lived together and spent all our spare time together. There was a lot of laughter during this time but after a few years living almost on top of each other, we were slowly growing apart. We moved to separate places and lived our lives more or less away from each other for another couple of years. But then slowly we started hanging out together again and became closer than ever. I can't see the same thing happening to us ever again!
Apart from being in Dublin together, we've done many trips abroad. We've been skiing in France, shopping in London, drinking beer in Prague, sunbathing in Greece, enjoying Croatia, exploring Italy and so much more! :)
Maria - I love you to pieces. You're my best friend without a doubt and I can't imagine a life without you. I'm looking forward to the years to come and the moments we're gonna share together. I hope you know that I'll stand by your side for better and for worse. I'll always be there for you no matter what. You mean the world to me! ♥
Ah hunny jag blir tårögd och rörd men såklart jätteglad av att läsa detta:) Love you to pieces too hun det vet du! Lots of love, X O X O.
SvaraRaderaOch kul o läsa allt vi gjort hihi, och sommarsemestern i år var verkligen en av mina bästa! Helt fab, får vi göra igen! Puss puss ha en bra helg så ses vi nästa!!!!