I've missed exercising so much during the pregnancy and I really look forward to being able to do that again. We'll see how much time I have for exercising when the baby is here, but at least I'll be able to go out for long walks to start with. Right now I'm struggling to walk a few hundred metres ;) I also have a gym membership that allows me to go to the Actic gym in Täby when we move out there. Normally I go to the one near my job. Can't wait for the first time I'll have a sweaty workout again, it has been way too long!
This week has flown by. I have done nothing really other than getting my hair done, meeting up with my brother, going for a walk, cooking some food to put in the freezer for when the baby has arrived, doing some shopping etc but still feel that I need a few more days to just rest. We have no big plans for the weekend though. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with Maria and we're just going to walk around in Sundbyberg and have a coffee somewhere. Looking forward to chatting with her and just have some girlie time :)
You said it girl ;))
SvaraRaderaJag kanner precis likadant......och ar nog +20kg nu =o/ Sjukt tugnt! Kanner mig som varsta hjalten nar jag gar min 2.5km's runda. Det ar hur jobbigt som helst och kanns mer som en normal milrunda.... hehe!
Nu snackar vi dagar, om inte timmar =)))))
Kram! <3
Tänk att det kan bli så jobbigt mot slutet Känner att man kan det här nu, ser så mycket fram emot att få gå lite powerwalks med barnvagnen snart (sjukt overkligt att säga så ;))! Stort LYCKA TILL, till er också. Är så spänd på att få höra när ni har fått er lille bebis :) Kramar <3