We had a lovely breakfast anyway with coffee, orange juice and homemade bread before we got ready to go over to the house to meet with the painter we're going to hire to do the top floor. He's gonna re-build a wall so that we get 3 bedrooms instead of just 2 and then he's gonna cover the textured wallpapers in all rooms with a filler before he paints them all white. We've also asked him to paint all the ceilings and when he's done we're gonna put in a nice oak wooden floor everywhere. I'm really looking forward to having these rooms on the top floor renovated before we move in. Later on, we might put up wallpaper on some of the walls but we're happy to start off with the white paint.
After we had been to the house we went over to my parents' house in Täby Kyrkby where we had coffee together and talked about the baby who's about to enter this world any day now. Only 1 week to go now until my due date. I think she might be ready to come out some time during next week but a lot of people think I'm gonna go passed my due date. We'll see who is right :)
My lovely mother had bought me the pink bracelet from Missoni Lindex that she gave me today. She's so thoughtful. I love it and have wanted to get it but haven't come around to it yet. It fits me perfectly!
Jag maste skratta lite nar jag laser forsta delen av inlagget.....det dar med snarkningarna! jag som aldrig snarkar har precis samma problem nu! Fast lyckligtvis ar det bara mig sjalv jag vacker med mina sjorovarljud!! Sover ocksa daligt nu...
SvaraRaderaMysigt med huset!! Ska bli spannande att de hur det ser ut nar det ar malat och klart!!
Hall uuuuuut!!!
He he, vilken tur att Chris inte störs av dina snarkningar. Min stackars älskling sover numera med öronproppar men även fast han hade öronproppar inatt så stod han inte ut!! Jag brukar inte heller snarka vanligtvis men nu gör jag tydligen fasansfulla ljud ;)
SvaraRaderaHåll ut du med, snart BF för dig väl!? Hoppas du inte behöver gå över tiden, i alla fall inte mer än bara nån dag i såna fall.