I'm so happy because I have finally found a really good sushi place nearby, at Brommaplan to be exact. I love the californian rolls but there aren't that many places that do them. Anyway, I craved sushi on my way back from work so decided to stop by and grab one :)
The sun has been shining here in Stockholm today and we went out for a walk at lunch time. It must have been almost 20 degrees then, I could feel the heat from the sun. This evening though is much colder again :( Bring on the spring!!
Went to the gym yesterday and did some weights. I haven't done that for a while and my body is a bit sore today. Tomorrow I reckon it's time to do some running again. I better start running more than once a week now since I am going to do two runs; "Vårruset" in June which is only 5kms but also "Midnattsloppet" in August which is 10 kms. Spoke to my brother today and he is also gonna do the run in August. Better keep up with the training so that I can beat him ;)
jag åt också sushi igår :)
SvaraRaderaja slå brorsan nu, hejja hejja!
Mmm gott :) Hoppas allt är bra med dig tjejen!? Stor kram!
SvaraRaderaÅåååhhh Sushi som är så gott! Vill ha, brukar dock inte äta det så ofta här nere. Faktum är att de har sushi i Vrigstad - helt otroligt men jag har fått för mig att det inte är lika bra/gott som i Stockholm så jag har inte provat än... däremot brukar det alltid bli sushi när jag kommer till "mitt" älskade Stockholm!
SvaraRaderaAbsolut - du är så duktig och hurtig... träna så att du kan slå honom, det vore ju så kul! :D Puss och Kram!