Should I write in Swedish or in English? A lot of my friends are in Ireland and for them to follow my blog I need to write in English since they don't know any word in Swedish. Well ok, that is not entirely true. They know some important words like: tack, tomten, stringtrosor, sista (=syster) and "du har vackra ögon" :)
God, I miss them all a lot! I know Dublin is not that far away and I was there three times last year, but still I wish I could just pop over for a cuppa on a Sunday sometimes. One of my best friends Elaine has had two girls in the last couple of years and I have only met the oldest one when she was about 2 months old. Now Ava is is almost 2 years of age and Mia is about 4 months old..
I can't believe I was living in Dublin for 7 years. Maria and I were just heading over for a year and both of us stayed for another 6 years when that first year had come to an end. We had the time of our lives; we met so many lovely people, the night life is great, we've travelled around and seen a lot of places and we picked up the Dublin accent!
Another great thing about Ireland is our favourite shop Penneys. We always go shopping in Penneys when we are over because everything is so cheap. Ok, not everything is of great quality but it doesn't matter in the end since that top or those pair of shoes only cost a few euros!
I will always remember my time in Ireland as a great period in my life :)
Jag tycker du kan skriva på engelska så att alla dina vänner som vill följa din blogg förstår vad du skriver. Kan tänka mig att det är många som vill följa ditt liv i Sverige av dina vänner i Dublin! You go girl! ;)