måndag 29 november 2010

Day 04 – This is what I ate today

I'm sure you're all very excited to hear about what I've been eating today ;) Before I had breakfast I started the day by walking into work, I love walking when it's cold outside and believe me it was cold this morning. I walked quite fast and worked up an appetite and every Monday morning we get served breakfast in work. I had bread with ham, cheese and cucumber together with a cup of coffee and a glass of apple juice - yum!

At lunch time Jessica and I walked in to Sundbyberg since she wanted to have a look in a few shops. We then had lunch at Åhlens and we both ordered baked potatoes :) After a quick cup of coffee it was time to go back to the office again!

Walked back home this evening after work and since I was freezing I decided to take a hot shower before I jumped into my tracksuit bottoms and started with the dinner. Tonight I had thai soup with some peppers and prawns as well as bread with mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and some balsamic vinegar creme.

I'm thinking about making a cup of tea in a few minutes and then I'm gonna watch an episode of True Blood. Hope you've all had a nice Monday! :)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Mmhhmmmm! Är det Skagenröra?? Blir alldeles knäsvag!! =p

  2. Hi hi jaaaa det är klart att det är äkta svensk skagenröra!! Sånt som du får klara dig utan under lite längre perioder nu när du bosatt dig i Schweiz ;)
