lördag 27 november 2010

Day 02 – My parents

Time to introduce you to my parents; Monica and Ray. They're the best parents in the world and have always been there for me and my brother. ♥ They've always gone out of their way to make sure we're happy with whatever that might be. They were the kind of parents that would ALWAYS help out by driving the team members of football and hockey teams to various locations when it was time for a match!

My mam Monica is from Åland and moved to Stockholm when she was about 20 years old. She's working as a Doctor's secretary at a health care unit in Stockholm and I was working there as well during the summers from the age of 13 to make some own money :) My mam is one of the most thoughtful people I've ever met and she always puts everyone else first, she tends to forget about herself some time though. She worries way too much, too much for her own good or anyone else around her. She lives through her children and therefore you're always careful with what you're telling her. If you're not feeling too good and going through a bad patch in life, then you know that if you tell her about it she's also gonna be feeling down and you don't want that. She's a fantastic person and mother with a big heart and I love her to bits!

My dad Ray grew up in Stockholm and he met my mam on a holiday trip to Mallorca back in the days :) He is very stubborn and this is one of the qualities that I've gotten from him. When we have a discussion, we could easily end up fighting since neither of us wants to give in. When I was younger I thought he didn't like me as much as he liked my brother due to this. I know better now, when I moved to Ireland our relationship grew a lot stronger and I think we started to understand each other a bit more. Still to this day his first answer to any type of question would be "No!", but we all know that he will most probably change his mind after a little while ;) Dad has also a very big heart and I really appreciate everything he has done for me throughout the years, I love him loads!

Mam and dad have been together for about 40 years and they celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary when we were in Mauritius in January 2009 (see photo above). I'm so happy to be a part of their lives!

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