Det blev en liten bula i pannan.....och fler lär det väl bli! ;) |
söndag 30 juni 2013
Skriva på svenska
Jag tänkte övergå till att skriva mina blogginlägg på svenska från och med nu då jag använder mitt modersmål varje dag och tycker att det skulle vara roligt att skriva på svenska igen. Men jag har ju en del vänner i Irland som följer min blogg och för att de fortfarande ska kunna läsa den så har jag lagt till en översättningsfunktion på bloggen som kan hittas längst upp till höger. Jag hoppas verkligen att den fungerar som det ska, annars får ni som använder den säga till!
Idag är det söndag och vi har både Emilias farbror och morbror på besök. Fredrik har satt dem i jobb då vi ska sätta upp markiser men de får stanna på middag som belöning ;) Emilia sover just nu och jag tar det lite lugnt med en kopp kaffe i soffan.
Emilia har haft en bra dag idag och det verkar som om hon börjar komma ur fasen hon befunnit sig i. Det betyder att jag numera har en mycket gladare och mer självgående tjej än tidigare. Hon sover dessutom bättre på nätterna igen. De tre sista veckorna har varit väldigt kämpiga men som tur är vet man ju att det kommer att gå över.
Idag fick hon dock sin första bula. Hon reser sig ju upp mot allt numera och trots att man är vid hennes sida och försöker hjälpa henne och ta emot henne om hon skulle falla så hann jag i alla fall inte rädda henne när hon föll framåt mot trappan och slog i huvudet rejält. Hon grät en skvätt men det gick över ganska snabbt som tur var. Får se hur det ser ut när hon vaknar sötnosen min.
Hoppas alla har haft en riktigt bra helg, det har vi. Igår var vi på Stellas namngivningsfest i Lindholmen och vi hade ju så bra väder. Stella verkade trivas med uppmärksamheten och föräldrarna var nöjda med kalaset. Vi hade det jättemysigt hela dagen och de bjöd på både det ena och det andra. Vi önskar dig alla lycka i framtiden Stella, hoppas du växer upp och blir en glad, stark och självgående tjej!
Idag är det söndag och vi har både Emilias farbror och morbror på besök. Fredrik har satt dem i jobb då vi ska sätta upp markiser men de får stanna på middag som belöning ;) Emilia sover just nu och jag tar det lite lugnt med en kopp kaffe i soffan.
Emilia har haft en bra dag idag och det verkar som om hon börjar komma ur fasen hon befunnit sig i. Det betyder att jag numera har en mycket gladare och mer självgående tjej än tidigare. Hon sover dessutom bättre på nätterna igen. De tre sista veckorna har varit väldigt kämpiga men som tur är vet man ju att det kommer att gå över.
Emilia är superglad varje gång hon får bada - hon fullkomligt älskar det! |
Idag fick hon dock sin första bula. Hon reser sig ju upp mot allt numera och trots att man är vid hennes sida och försöker hjälpa henne och ta emot henne om hon skulle falla så hann jag i alla fall inte rädda henne när hon föll framåt mot trappan och slog i huvudet rejält. Hon grät en skvätt men det gick över ganska snabbt som tur var. Får se hur det ser ut när hon vaknar sötnosen min.
Hoppas alla har haft en riktigt bra helg, det har vi. Igår var vi på Stellas namngivningsfest i Lindholmen och vi hade ju så bra väder. Stella verkade trivas med uppmärksamheten och föräldrarna var nöjda med kalaset. Vi hade det jättemysigt hela dagen och de bjöd på både det ena och det andra. Vi önskar dig alla lycka i framtiden Stella, hoppas du växer upp och blir en glad, stark och självgående tjej!
onsdag 26 juni 2013
Picnic in the sun (hmmm, well in the shadow actually)
Yesterday myself and Camilla decided to meet up in town to have a picnic with our girls at Djurgården. We bought some food at Hemköp in town and then took the tram to Djurgården and placed ourselves under a tree in the green grass near the water. Yesterday was such a lovely day, it was very warm and the girls were in good form.
Emilia is actually in a development stage right now and has been quite difficult in the last couple of weeks. She has mood swings, cries more, does not want to lose sight of me, sleeps less, wakes up several times at night and wants to get up at 4-5 o'clock in the morning. This results in a very tired mum and dad ;)
I hope she'll get past this stage very soon. Luckily she has been sleeping a bit better the last couple of nights, we have kept her awake until 8 o'clock in the evening and she has woken up only one time crying for her pacifier during the night. She has wanted to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning though, but that's a lot better than before. Hopefully she'll start sleeping for longer in the next few weeks, otherwise I don't know what to do. 5 o'clock is a bit early, don't you think!??
Anyway, she's normally in a better mood when we do things and she was happy almost all day yesterday. After our picnic we decided to walk to Rosendals Trädgård to have coffee and a chocolate cake that we brought with us. Both girls fell asleep when we walked up there so Camilla and I got to catch up properly for at least half an hour anyway.
Emilia and I had a lovely day, thanks Camilla and Eira for your company. I hope we get to do it soon again! :)
Emilia is actually in a development stage right now and has been quite difficult in the last couple of weeks. She has mood swings, cries more, does not want to lose sight of me, sleeps less, wakes up several times at night and wants to get up at 4-5 o'clock in the morning. This results in a very tired mum and dad ;)
I hope she'll get past this stage very soon. Luckily she has been sleeping a bit better the last couple of nights, we have kept her awake until 8 o'clock in the evening and she has woken up only one time crying for her pacifier during the night. She has wanted to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning though, but that's a lot better than before. Hopefully she'll start sleeping for longer in the next few weeks, otherwise I don't know what to do. 5 o'clock is a bit early, don't you think!??
Anyway, she's normally in a better mood when we do things and she was happy almost all day yesterday. After our picnic we decided to walk to Rosendals Trädgård to have coffee and a chocolate cake that we brought with us. Both girls fell asleep when we walked up there so Camilla and I got to catch up properly for at least half an hour anyway.
Emilia and I had a lovely day, thanks Camilla and Eira for your company. I hope we get to do it soon again! :)
fredag 14 juni 2013
Summer time
Wow, time flies by and I realise it has been a long time since I even visited my own blog. My little girl is taking up most of my time these days. I love reading other people's blogs but I don't find the time to sit down and write my own blog posts. Anyway I'll give it a try now...
Today is Friday and I was supposed to meet up with Lisa and Ludvig in Täby centrum for lunch but since Em hasn't been feeling well, I decided to stay at home with her. She had a fever last night and found it very hard to sleep, I think her teeth are bugging her big time. She has got two teeth at this moment, it's either them or else she is getting another tooth. We'll see what happens.
A lot of things have happened with Emilia in the last couple of months. She's now crawling (not proper crawling, she has got her own style ;)). In the last week she started pulling herself up to standing. Well she has only done that a couple of times, most times she stands up on her knees. She now sits unsupported, she has a great sense of humour and she "talks" a lot. Mostly she says "ba ba ba" and "da". Her dad thinks that she says "pappa" (=daddy) but she's not there quite yet. I'm convinced her first word will be "mamma" ;)
She's happy almost all the time and I thoroughly enjoy spending time with her. Can't believe she's almost 8 months (next week) already. She's hanging out with her dear friends Ludvig and Jack a lot and in the last month two of my best friends have given birth to a beautiful baby girl and a beautiful baby boy so she's soon making new friends :). Congratulations again Lina and Maria, we're so happy for you!
Today is Friday and I was supposed to meet up with Lisa and Ludvig in Täby centrum for lunch but since Em hasn't been feeling well, I decided to stay at home with her. She had a fever last night and found it very hard to sleep, I think her teeth are bugging her big time. She has got two teeth at this moment, it's either them or else she is getting another tooth. We'll see what happens.
A lot of things have happened with Emilia in the last couple of months. She's now crawling (not proper crawling, she has got her own style ;)). In the last week she started pulling herself up to standing. Well she has only done that a couple of times, most times she stands up on her knees. She now sits unsupported, she has a great sense of humour and she "talks" a lot. Mostly she says "ba ba ba" and "da". Her dad thinks that she says "pappa" (=daddy) but she's not there quite yet. I'm convinced her first word will be "mamma" ;)
She's happy almost all the time and I thoroughly enjoy spending time with her. Can't believe she's almost 8 months (next week) already. She's hanging out with her dear friends Ludvig and Jack a lot and in the last month two of my best friends have given birth to a beautiful baby girl and a beautiful baby boy so she's soon making new friends :). Congratulations again Lina and Maria, we're so happy for you!
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