On Friday last week F and I celebrated our first anniversary. I can't believe it has been a year already. We went on our first date a cold night in February last year and one year on we're happier than ever :) To celebrate this we went out for dinner in Old Town where we enjoyed a three course dinner together. We had a lovely time and talked about that night on the 17th of February 2011 when we first met @ Fashion café in Sundbyberg. My darling - I love you to bits!
On Saturday we went to the afters of a wedding, Lina and Hilton finally got married and they looked so happy together. The dress was absolutely gorgeous on Lina, she looked stunning. Congratulations again you guys!
Earlier on that day myself and F went to Solna Centrum and he bought me a pair of Reebok Easytone trainers that I've wanted for quite some time. They were on sale in Nilsons and now I'm really excited to try them out. I'm looking forward to when the snow is gone and it gets brighter, because then I can start going out for walks in the evenings again!
Jag har TAGGAT dig ;)))