Since the summer holidays I'm trying to get back into the training routines again and I have been to the gym quite frequently. Even though I'm working my ass off, that extra bit of weight that I gained during the summer does not seem to wanna come off :( At least not yet anyway! On Monday I went to my first bodypump class in about 5 months and I was dreading it. Even though I used the lightest weights my whole body is so sore that I can't walk properly and sitting down and standing up is a big challenge! ;)
Tomorrow it's time for a spinning class again, the last time I went to that class was before the summer. I'm getting ready to sweat together with my idol Petra! :)
Sv: tusen tack för din röst och ditt stöd, jag är evigt tacksam !
SvaraRaderaHar du något skoj planerat i helgen ?