fredag 11 mars 2011

Let's Dance

I'm so happy it's Friday! The sun is shining and the spring is just around the corner, I'm so welcoming it :) In a couple of hours myself and Maria are going to watch the rehearsal of Let's Dance. I got tickets from work and I'm really looking forward to watching the show. Afterwards we're gonna meet up with the girls and have dinner and drinks, I think it's gonna be a good Friday! :P

I'm just back from lunch in Vreten, it was very nice :) We were planning on going to Pampas Marina but we left work a little late so we changed our plans. Now I'm gonna finish off all the work for this week and then it's time to jump on the tube. I'm meeting up Maria at Karlaplan and then we're walking to the studio together.

My car is still at the repair centre, I rang to check the status with them today but they're waiting for some parts that they had problems getting hold of. They were supposed to arrive today but it will probably be early next week instead so hopefully in the middle of next week my car will be ready! I'm looking forward to bringing my baby home, I've been missing her ;)

Have a nice weekend everyone!

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