I'm extremely tired now so it's gonna be an early night for me. I have to get up early-ish tomorrow morning to be able to get things done. I have one meeting from 9-10 and another one from 11-16 which means that I need to do some work in between. I also want to go down to the gym for a run both tomorrow and on Friday. I won't have time for any long runs but want to run at least 5 kilometres. Now it's only 3 days before we head off to Lanzarote :D
onsdag 30 mars 2011
Wine and crisps..
..that's a good combination! Myself and Lena treated ourselves on the flight back to Stockholm this evening :) It has been a stressful week so far and I could feel the headache coming on so we both ordered some wine to relax. Now I'm back in the apartment again and I'm so happy that it's still bright out, we're definitely heading towards the summer - me like!
I'm extremely tired now so it's gonna be an early night for me. I have to get up early-ish tomorrow morning to be able to get things done. I have one meeting from 9-10 and another one from 11-16 which means that I need to do some work in between. I also want to go down to the gym for a run both tomorrow and on Friday. I won't have time for any long runs but want to run at least 5 kilometres. Now it's only 3 days before we head off to Lanzarote :D
I'm extremely tired now so it's gonna be an early night for me. I have to get up early-ish tomorrow morning to be able to get things done. I have one meeting from 9-10 and another one from 11-16 which means that I need to do some work in between. I also want to go down to the gym for a run both tomorrow and on Friday. I won't have time for any long runs but want to run at least 5 kilometres. Now it's only 3 days before we head off to Lanzarote :D
tisdag 29 mars 2011
Since we got to Denmark yesterday morning we've been working non stop. The time is flying, we have so much to do wtih so many tight deadlines. Things are not always going the way we want them to, but we keep fighting anyway and help each other out - great team work I have to say! To survive we have treated ourselves to an ice cream break in the afternoon both days, they work wonders ;) Can't complain about the free ice cream in the offices!
Tonight we were looking for somewhere to eat nearby the hotel and ended up having Thai food in a small takeaway place. They had a table for four people which was perfect for our little gang. It's very windy in Copenhagen and although it's warmer here than in Stockholm it feels very cold because of the wind. Right now I'm in the hotel room watching the football but unfortunately it's the wrong match! I want to see the Sweden game of course but instead I have to watch the men in red and white play :(
I also have to work for a couple of hours, my email inbox is exploding right now and I have some stuff I need to get done before I go on holidays. On Thursday when I'm back in Solna I have a full day meeting so I only really have Friday left after tomorrow. Fingers crossed and I get everything done that I plan to get done. Later on it's time for a shower and then I'm gonna jump into bed to read my book and a magazine that I brought with me :)
Tonight we were looking for somewhere to eat nearby the hotel and ended up having Thai food in a small takeaway place. They had a table for four people which was perfect for our little gang. It's very windy in Copenhagen and although it's warmer here than in Stockholm it feels very cold because of the wind. Right now I'm in the hotel room watching the football but unfortunately it's the wrong match! I want to see the Sweden game of course but instead I have to watch the men in red and white play :(
I also have to work for a couple of hours, my email inbox is exploding right now and I have some stuff I need to get done before I go on holidays. On Thursday when I'm back in Solna I have a full day meeting so I only really have Friday left after tomorrow. Fingers crossed and I get everything done that I plan to get done. Later on it's time for a shower and then I'm gonna jump into bed to read my book and a magazine that I brought with me :)
söndag 27 mars 2011
I've had a great weekend. The weather has been lovely although it was a little bit too windy yesterday. Despite the wind, we decided to take a walk around Djurgården in the sun and walked for about an hour and a half. There were loads of people out and the spring is definitely here to stay I think. I prefer it to be a bit warmer but it's getting there ;) After the walk we stopped off at café Vurma to have coffee and waffles and the waffles were yummie I can tell you! The icing on the cake was the basil sugar that was served with it :)
Today has been a lazy day. I've just done the laundry and now I'm gonna start packing for my trip to Denmark this week, I'm gonna be there Monday until Wednesday. Luckily Maria and Lena are coming with me, the bad part is that I have to get up at around 4:30 tomorrow morning. It's way too early for my liking! Soon it's time for Stockholm - Båstad that they're showing on channel 4 and then I need to clean up in the apartment a bit before I hit the pillow!
Today has been a lazy day. I've just done the laundry and now I'm gonna start packing for my trip to Denmark this week, I'm gonna be there Monday until Wednesday. Luckily Maria and Lena are coming with me, the bad part is that I have to get up at around 4:30 tomorrow morning. It's way too early for my liking! Soon it's time for Stockholm - Båstad that they're showing on channel 4 and then I need to clean up in the apartment a bit before I hit the pillow!
fredag 25 mars 2011
Happy Friday
I've had a good productive day in work today and finished the week off by going down to the gym to run 10 kilometres on the threadmill in 53 minutes and 27 seconds to be exact ;) I was quite tired after that but haven't done any exercising since Monday when I went to the bodypump class. I don't think I'll be doing any more running this week and on Monday I'm going to Denmark with work which means I won't be going to the gym for the first three days of next week either :( Felt great after the run today but now I'm really full since I've been eating loads and loads of cheese and biscuits. I've also had some red wine but that's allowed since it's Friday ;)
Have been playing around in Photoshop Elements 9 this evening with a photo I took this week of the beautiful tulips I received :)
Tomorrow it's Saturday and that means it's only one more week until Maria and I take off for Lanzarote!! My friend Niamh from Ireland will also be there that week so I've promised her we'll try to meet up one of the days. Can't wait for my holidays, I need some sun :)
Have been playing around in Photoshop Elements 9 this evening with a photo I took this week of the beautiful tulips I received :)
Tomorrow it's Saturday and that means it's only one more week until Maria and I take off for Lanzarote!! My friend Niamh from Ireland will also be there that week so I've promised her we'll try to meet up one of the days. Can't wait for my holidays, I need some sun :)
torsdag 24 mars 2011
Boomerang blazer
I absolutely LOOOOOOOVE this Boomerang blazer in offwhite with navy stripes. I always like shopping but especially at spring time. There are so many nice clothes in the shops right now and I love the brighter colours that are perfect to greet the spring with. I wish I was made of money but unfortunately I'm not :( Will have to wait until I'm back from Lanzarote to see if I have any money left. It's time to save some money for the summer as well but it's so hard. At least if your name is Katja and you're shopaholic ;)
Tonight they had organised a photo course in work for us. The photographer Jonas Borg came to the office and tried to teach us a bit about photography. He showed us some beautiful pictures that he has taken, they were really amazing! We have another photography session with him in April as well so I'm gonna try to take some photos until then. You just need to have the time, patience and the courage to try out different things. I really want to learn more about editing photos as well, I have Photoshop Elements 9 on my Macbook now so I'll just need to watch some video tutorials to get started!
Tonight they had organised a photo course in work for us. The photographer Jonas Borg came to the office and tried to teach us a bit about photography. He showed us some beautiful pictures that he has taken, they were really amazing! We have another photography session with him in April as well so I'm gonna try to take some photos until then. You just need to have the time, patience and the courage to try out different things. I really want to learn more about editing photos as well, I have Photoshop Elements 9 on my Macbook now so I'll just need to watch some video tutorials to get started!
tisdag 22 mars 2011
How many lingonberries are there in the world?
Went to the movies tonight to see a film called Hur många lingon finns det i världen? and the English translation would be something like How many lingonberries are there in the world?. It was a very nice film, both funny and sad. I love when we go to the cinema with work, it's such a nice thing to do together on a weeknight :)
Got home at around 20:00 and was starving so I made a celeriac soup with bacon, it was lovely! Found out about my tax return and I'm looking forward to receiving it at the start of the summer, it wasn't that much but enough to make me happy. At least I'm getting something back! :)
Got home at around 20:00 and was starving so I made a celeriac soup with bacon, it was lovely! Found out about my tax return and I'm looking forward to receiving it at the start of the summer, it wasn't that much but enough to make me happy. At least I'm getting something back! :)
måndag 21 mars 2011
My running is getting better
Last Thursday I managed to get up and go to the gym in the end and I was determined to do a longer run. When I went on the threadmill I hadn't made up my mind about the exact distance but I was hoping for something between 12 to 14 kilometres. Already after a couple of kilometres I got a stitch but decided not to let it ruin my run. I ran and ran and after 1 hour and 24 minutes I had completed a 14 km run :) Needless to say I was proud of myself, I have never done such a long run before, he he. I know I will have to add on another few kilometres before the 21st of May when I'm running a half marathon but I'm getting there and that is the main thing :) My calves were a bit sore on Friday I can tell ya!
Had a fantastic weekend from start to end. On Friday night I went to Odenplan to play pool at Roq. We played for about an hour and a half (I won! :)) before we headed to Vimmel for a bite to eat. Had a lovely dinner with lovely company and a nice bottle of red pinot noir wine kept us company. On Saturday I met up with Maria and Marcus in town for a coffee, they had been shopping for a while and I wanted to buy a present for Petra since she was throwing a housewarming party on Saturday night! Had a great time and drank even more wine ;) Petra's new apartment is lovely, I think she'll be very happy there.
The weather has been absolutely gorgeous all weekend, I'm getting the spring feeling and it makes me happy! I'm checking the weather in Lanzarote on a daily basis as well and it's looking good, Maria and I are heading off now in less than 2 weeks, yay!
Burnt over a thousand calories :) |
Had a fantastic weekend from start to end. On Friday night I went to Odenplan to play pool at Roq. We played for about an hour and a half (I won! :)) before we headed to Vimmel for a bite to eat. Had a lovely dinner with lovely company and a nice bottle of red pinot noir wine kept us company. On Saturday I met up with Maria and Marcus in town for a coffee, they had been shopping for a while and I wanted to buy a present for Petra since she was throwing a housewarming party on Saturday night! Had a great time and drank even more wine ;) Petra's new apartment is lovely, I think she'll be very happy there.
The weather has been absolutely gorgeous all weekend, I'm getting the spring feeling and it makes me happy! I'm checking the weather in Lanzarote on a daily basis as well and it's looking good, Maria and I are heading off now in less than 2 weeks, yay!
torsdag 17 mars 2011
My baby's back..
..with me :) I've missed her so much in the last 10 days but today I finally received the phone call I've been waiting for. The one that said "She's now ready!". She's looking fine again - like new ;) Currently I'm sitting in the couch watching an episode of Brothers and sisters. I'm trying to push myself to get changed to go to the gym, I need to complete a longer run this week and I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to do it this weekend so it's now or tomorrow. I prefer going tonight because then I have it over and done with. But it's so hard to push yourself to go. We'll see what happens.. Tomorrow it's Friday again and I can't wait for the weekend. On Saturday it's only two weeks until we head off to Lanzarote! I ordered two bikinis from H&M and had them delivered earlier on in the week. I really liked the colours but they didn't fit me at all, I was so disappointed so now I've returned them again. I have a few bikinis that I can wear from previous seasons anyway. I keep my fingers (and toes) crossed the weather will be nice when we're away so that we can sunbathe every day. I wanna get a tan!!
tisdag 15 mars 2011
New jacket
Money is tight right now, I must admit. But I NEED a new jacket for this spring and I fell in love with a Peak Performance jacket that I saw in MQ a couple of weeks ago. I've been thinking about it for quite a while and since I got a 200 SEK discount I couldn't resist buying it yesterday. I know I will love it, so it's gonna be worn very often as soon as it gets warmer :)
Have had Emily over for dinner this evening, it was really nice to see her again. We had fish and potatoes with a cold curry sauce and it was yum! The best thing is that I have enough leftovers for a lunch box for tomorrow. Now it's time to hit the pillow, gonna read my book for a while first but then I need my beauty sleep ;)
söndag 13 mars 2011
Pics from Friday evening
A good weekend is coming to an end, I'm really tired now so after watching Bröllopsfotografen on telly I'm gonna go straight to bed. We went to Boulebar last night and played for about an hour, then we had a lovely dinner afterwards and later on we took a taxi to Kvarnen. Haven't been there for ages but it was really nice and they played a great mix of songs :) Didn't get to sleep until about 4 o'clock this morning so that is why I'm a bit tired.. Went into town for a few hours today and met up with Jessica for a coffee at Espresso House. We didn't stay there for that long since she was going to the gym for a workout. Walked around town for a while and tried to find a pair of white sneakers but couldn't find any that I liked. I know roughly what I'm looking for now though and they have a nice pair at Ellos that I might buy during the week.
Took a few photos on Friday evening at the rehearsal of Let's Dance:
Of course all the girls had to be photographed when we had dinner at Byn as well:
Took a few photos on Friday evening at the rehearsal of Let's Dance:
Of course all the girls had to be photographed when we had dinner at Byn as well:
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Camilla |
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Ellinor and Tanja |
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Maria and I |
lördag 12 mars 2011
Had a lovely Friday evening with Let's Dance and also a visit to restaurant Byn. The Let's Dance rehearsal was finished at around 18:00 so then we left the SVT studio to meet up with the girls at Byn. There was no table available when we got there but we all ordered beer and cider and then we walked upstairs while waiting for our table to be ready. I was really looking forward to a glass of red wine when I got there but soon realised they only served cider and beer. Maria and I had the cider of the house and it was really nice so I was happy in the end ;) I haven't seen Camilla for ages so it was nice to talk to her again as well as the other girls Tanja, Ellinor and Maria. It's so nice to meet up like this on a Friday evening!
After about an hour we could walk downstairs again to sit down at our table. We all ordered our choice of crepes and I picked one with scampi, lobster sauce, mushrooms and leek - yummy! After having my main course I was really full but couldn't resist ordering a dessert crepes as well :P Maria and I shared one with hazelnut ice cream, nutella and fresh fruit! Needless to say I was extremely full after that ;)
After about an hour we could walk downstairs again to sit down at our table. We all ordered our choice of crepes and I picked one with scampi, lobster sauce, mushrooms and leek - yummy! After having my main course I was really full but couldn't resist ordering a dessert crepes as well :P Maria and I shared one with hazelnut ice cream, nutella and fresh fruit! Needless to say I was extremely full after that ;)
fredag 11 mars 2011
Let's Dance
I'm so happy it's Friday! The sun is shining and the spring is just around the corner, I'm so welcoming it :) In a couple of hours myself and Maria are going to watch the rehearsal of Let's Dance. I got tickets from work and I'm really looking forward to watching the show. Afterwards we're gonna meet up with the girls and have dinner and drinks, I think it's gonna be a good Friday! :P
I'm just back from lunch in Vreten, it was very nice :) We were planning on going to Pampas Marina but we left work a little late so we changed our plans. Now I'm gonna finish off all the work for this week and then it's time to jump on the tube. I'm meeting up Maria at Karlaplan and then we're walking to the studio together.
My car is still at the repair centre, I rang to check the status with them today but they're waiting for some parts that they had problems getting hold of. They were supposed to arrive today but it will probably be early next week instead so hopefully in the middle of next week my car will be ready! I'm looking forward to bringing my baby home, I've been missing her ;)
Have a nice weekend everyone!
I'm just back from lunch in Vreten, it was very nice :) We were planning on going to Pampas Marina but we left work a little late so we changed our plans. Now I'm gonna finish off all the work for this week and then it's time to jump on the tube. I'm meeting up Maria at Karlaplan and then we're walking to the studio together.
My car is still at the repair centre, I rang to check the status with them today but they're waiting for some parts that they had problems getting hold of. They were supposed to arrive today but it will probably be early next week instead so hopefully in the middle of next week my car will be ready! I'm looking forward to bringing my baby home, I've been missing her ;)
Have a nice weekend everyone!
torsdag 10 mars 2011
Lanzarote booked
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The pool at the apartments |
tisdag 8 mars 2011
The King's Speech
I've just finished cooking one of the dishes from Middagsglädje and I'm gonna have a nice lunch box with me tomorrow :) I haven't had the time to make everything since I've been kept really busy but now I'm trying to catch up as much as possible. On Sunday I'm getting a new delivery again! Tonight I made some smaller burgers made of mince filled with feta cheese and olives and with that I had quinoa, sweet peas and some more feta cheese. I also made a tomato sauce with garlic and basil that tastes really nice ;)
Tomorrow night I'm gonna go and see King's Speech at the cinema in Råsunda and I'm really looking forward to it. I hope the film is good, none of my friends have had anything to say about it. I know my company will be great though and I'm gonna bring the biggest bag of sweets ;) Hopefully I'll have time for a run during the day as well or before I head over to the cinema. Now it's time to hit the pillow!
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Colin Firth is one of my favourite actors |
Tomorrow night I'm gonna go and see King's Speech at the cinema in Råsunda and I'm really looking forward to it. I hope the film is good, none of my friends have had anything to say about it. I know my company will be great though and I'm gonna bring the biggest bag of sweets ;) Hopefully I'll have time for a run during the day as well or before I head over to the cinema. Now it's time to hit the pillow!
måndag 7 mars 2011
Don't ya just love surprises
Today when I came into work I found a beautiful little parcel on my desk! When I saw the text on the parcel I knew instantly who had placed it there ;) For about a year little L and myself have been talking about buying some glass bottles from Ikea that come in a few different colours. You can put perfume in them and they are really cute. Every time we've been to Ikea they've been sold out but now Lena had found them and bought them for me :D She's such a little cutie, thanks darling!
At lunch time I went to the weekly bodypump class and finally decided to put on some more weights to challenge myself. I could feel it afterwards and I'll be surprised if I don't have sore legs tomorrow ;) I haven't been that good at running in the last few weeks so I'm hoping to do a better job from now on. My training in the last two weeks have looked like this:
Week 8
Monday: Bodypump 55 min
Wednesday: 5 km run - 10,5km/hr
Week 9
Monday: Bodypump 55 min
Friday: 8 km run - 10km/hr
It's only two and a half months until I'm gonna complete a half marathon, I better start running longer distances now. I have to start looking for train tickets for the 21st of May as well since I'd rather go down by train than sitting in the car for so many hours!
At lunch time I went to the weekly bodypump class and finally decided to put on some more weights to challenge myself. I could feel it afterwards and I'll be surprised if I don't have sore legs tomorrow ;) I haven't been that good at running in the last few weeks so I'm hoping to do a better job from now on. My training in the last two weeks have looked like this:
Week 8
Monday: Bodypump 55 min
Wednesday: 5 km run - 10,5km/hr
Week 9
Monday: Bodypump 55 min
Friday: 8 km run - 10km/hr
It's only two and a half months until I'm gonna complete a half marathon, I better start running longer distances now. I have to start looking for train tickets for the 21st of May as well since I'd rather go down by train than sitting in the car for so many hours!
söndag 6 mars 2011
Lovely risotto
Today has been a great day, woke up after a good night's sleep at around 8 but fell back asleep and stayed in bed another good while :) After that it was time for breakfast and yet another lovely Nespresso coffee ;) Watched the ski championships for an hour and then took a lovely walk in the sun. Walked around Lillsjön and enjoyed the gorgeous weather. I'm getting more and more of a spring feeling and this week the sun has been out almost every day :) Back in the apartment I decided to try to make a risotto served with smoked ham, zucchini and parmesan cheese. It took a while to make it but it was worth the while! It was absolutely gorgeous and I will definitely make it again. The best thing is that there is some of it left so I can have it for lunch after my bodypump class tomorrow!
I've just watched the Wallander film that they showed on TV4. I'm getting a bit tired now so I think it's time to get ready to jump into bed. Gonna read a few chapters of Elsas Värld before it's time to sleep!
I've just watched the Wallander film that they showed on TV4. I'm getting a bit tired now so I think it's time to get ready to jump into bed. Gonna read a few chapters of Elsas Värld before it's time to sleep!
lördag 5 mars 2011
What a fantastic Friday night
The Friday night didn't turn out the way we expected it. Petra, the poor girl, was sick and had to go home to bed yesterday. I hope she's feeling better today because I think she had a tough day in work with a lot of meetings when she should really have been at home. Anyway since Jessica had prepared to cook something for the three of us I went over to her apartment on my own and was served a lovely dinner. She had made a potato salad with beetroot and fillet steak. To that we drank red wine of course, first one bottle and then another one ;) We've both been really busy in work lately but now we finally got a chance to have a proper chat with one another and it was so nice with a catch up. I stayed there til after 2 o'clock when a taxi came to pick me up.
Today I'm heading into town with little L, I gave her a Thomas Sabo bracelet for her birthday but it was slightly small so we're gonna go in and change it to one that fits her better. The good thing is that she loves the bracelet that I gave her, I love giving people presents that they genuinely like :) Later on tonight I'm hoping to get company and I'm planning to make dinner. Haven't made up my mind on what to cook yet but I'm sure it will be fine. Hope you all have a fantastic Saturday out in the sun!
Red wine and sweets - you can't go wrong ;) |
Today I'm heading into town with little L, I gave her a Thomas Sabo bracelet for her birthday but it was slightly small so we're gonna go in and change it to one that fits her better. The good thing is that she loves the bracelet that I gave her, I love giving people presents that they genuinely like :) Later on tonight I'm hoping to get company and I'm planning to make dinner. Haven't made up my mind on what to cook yet but I'm sure it will be fine. Hope you all have a fantastic Saturday out in the sun!
torsdag 3 mars 2011
Girls night
I can't believe it's Friday tomorrow again but I'm not complaining, just saying ;) I've spent my Thursday night cleaning out a lot of old stuff in my apartment - feels good. I also decided to keep my white Nespresso machine so I'm right now enjoying my first cup of the great Nespresso coffee :) After that I'm gonna continue tidying up as much as possible. I want to have a clean apartment for the weekend so that I don't have to do any cleaning then. I'm gonna enjoy this weekend without any "must do's"!
Tomorrow night I'm heading over to Jessica's for dinner. Myself, Jessica and Petra are starting there and then we'll see if we're gonna head out or not. You never know what will happen with those two party chics ;) Hopefully I'll be brave enough to go to the spinning class for lunch earlier on in the day, I've said I'm gonna go for several weeks now but never made it. Tomorrow might be the day and I've only been to a bodypump class this week. I really have to go for a longer run again but the time is flying and I'm always kept busy. I know I'm just making excuses, I seriously have to get into it again!!
I can't stop listening to Veronica Maggio's Jag kommer, it's a great song!
Tomorrow night I'm heading over to Jessica's for dinner. Myself, Jessica and Petra are starting there and then we'll see if we're gonna head out or not. You never know what will happen with those two party chics ;) Hopefully I'll be brave enough to go to the spinning class for lunch earlier on in the day, I've said I'm gonna go for several weeks now but never made it. Tomorrow might be the day and I've only been to a bodypump class this week. I really have to go for a longer run again but the time is flying and I'm always kept busy. I know I'm just making excuses, I seriously have to get into it again!!
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My girls |
I can't stop listening to Veronica Maggio's Jag kommer, it's a great song!
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