måndag 8 november 2010

Layout for the November challenge

As you know, Emmeli and I had time for a lot of scrapbooking this weekend, I managed to do 7 layouts and a card :) One layout was for the November challange for Svensk Scrapbooking and I'm quite happy with it. I love the colours and Emmeli was nice to let me use some of her flowers :) She also has a Cuttlebug which is a machine that you can use to cut out whatever you want, for example flowers, shapes, letters etc. I used that to cut out the pink letters on top. The rest of the material I had brought with me for the weekend.

1 kommentar:

  1. Ja det är en ljuvlig layout, underbara färger och så vackert komponerad! Har minsann sett den inne på SS! :D Nu håller vi tummarna! ♥ XOXOXO
