fredag 22 oktober 2010

Ski trip to Duved/Åre

Today we finally received the email we've been waiting for, an email about our ski trip with work. We're going 3-7 of February next year and this time we're heading to Duved/Åre. We've rented a hotel in Duved and the first 50 people get to go! Of course I signed up straight away ;) Can't wait and it's nice to have something to look forward to. It brings back some memories from this year's trip, I had such a great time! :)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Weeee - det här ska jag spana in det första jag gör på måndag!! =D Pussss

  2. Ja du måste anmäla dig BUMS ;) Puss darling!
