I love the summer weather that we currently have in Sweden, over 20 degrees every day certainly makes you feel better :) I decided to put on my new sandals from Kappahl, they're cute huh!? I've had a workshop for the full day today as well but during our lunch break I sneaked out to the terrace again and sat out in the sun for about half an hour. When I came back in, my chest was a bit red so I think it is time to start putting on some sun cream to avoid any burning ;) Tried the new Solero ice cream while I sat our there and really like it!
Tomorrow I'm gonna attend a SAP course in Alvik, I'm really excited about it. I hope I'll be able to understand it all, we'll go through a lot of configuration within the SD module. Have to go to bed earlyish today so that I will be full of energy tomorrow, it's probably gonna be a long day!
When the course is finished for tomorrow, I'm gonna drive down to my lovely friend Emmeli in Vrigstad. Can't wait to see herself and her daughter Antonia, it has been quite a while since we saw each other. Looking forward to a girlie weekend with them and we can catch up on everything :)
My dad had his knee operation today and I think everything went well. Mam went to the hospital to see him in the afternoon so I'm hoping to hear more later on about how he's doing. Better let you go for now but see you soon!