Wow, this day passed by so quickly. I can't believe the weekend is over already...oh well. This afternoon we were in the Globe watching "The last bounce". It was an absolutely brilliant show, they're all amazing dancers. Everything they do look so easy, but I know for sure how difficult it is. Well ehm, at least for me :) Took a streetdance course last semester and realised I'd have to work really hard to be able to keep up with everybody else!
Below you can see some pics from the show today:

Right now I'm doing the laundry and there is this woman who tends to always book the time slot before me. Every time I go down there she's never finished on time and I have to wait for her to unload the washing machines etc. I just went downstairs to take care of my first load and not even then she was finished with the tumble dryer..arghh!
Won 20kr on the Lotto last night, woohoo :) I wish you could just add a few 0's..he he.