lördag 17 juli 2010

OBH Nordica sandwich maker

Thinking of buying an OBH Nordica sandwich maker, I love the red colour. I already have a kettle, a toast maker and a coffee maker from the same series. Jessica told me the other day something that is really nice to make. She said to fry some chicken pieces in a pan and then mix them with the sweet chilli sauce. Then put them on a slice of bread and spread cheese over it, put the other slice on top and grill the sandwich in the sandwich maker. After a few mins in the grill you have a very tasty sandwich :) Have to try it out!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Katja!

    I have seen this sandwich maker thanks to your blog and now I am looking for it desesperately!! I am from Spain, and nobody seams to know the brand OBH NORDICA, and also, no company sends this product to Spain, they just send to the north-europe contries. Do you know any website with shipping to Spain where I cam buy this?? I am so sad, because that's the sandwich maker of my dreams!! Thanks a lot!!

  2. Hi,

    I'm sorry but I don't know of any website that is sending this product to Spain. But I guess you can always call OBH Nordica and ask them, perhaps they can make an exception and send one to you? Phone: +46 8 445 79 00

    Best of luck! /Katja
