Time's flying and I'm now in week 25 (+1). My belly is growing quite rapidly and the scales show that I'm putting on weight too ;) Luckily I'm feeling fine and I don't have any back problems or any other problems yet anyway. The baby is kicking away every day and it' so lovely and assuring, I know that everything is ok then :) The other day we when we were in Vallentuna, Lisa gave me some baby clothes and it felt so unreal when I sat down in the evening to fold them all. Can't believe we're actually
having a baby!!
I haven't taken any notes about the pregnancy, however we try to take some pics of my stomach week by week. In short you can say that I've had a very good pregnancy so far and I'm so happy that everything is going well. Here are a few words about it:
Week 4: Finding out that I'm pregnant, sharing the news with F was such an amazing thing!
Week 6 - 14: Feeling sick constantly, from early morning until late in the evening. F and I find it difficult to feel 100% happy since the risk of having a miscarriage is still quite high. Slowly as the weeks pass by we're hoping that everything is going to be fine. I've only shared the news with my closest friend.
Week 12: We have an appointment for an early baby scan, it shows that I'm actually carriying a baby (one can't be too sure ;)) and everything looks fine. Seeing the heart beat is overwhelming - we're so happy! After the scan we decide to tell our parents - they couldn't be happier for us.
Week 14: I'm telling my colleagues about my big adventure.
Week 16: I can feel the baby's first movements, it feels like a butterfly is living inside of me :)
Week 18: Time for the second scan and we get to see our baby again. Everything looks just as it should and we walk out of there so excited. We know the gender of our baby now ;)
Week 20: half way there ;)
Week 21: The kicking is becoming more frequent and distinct. My belly is growing and I'm putting on weight.
Week 23: F can feel the movements for the first time, it's so cool!
Week 24: We have our first appointment with the midwife since the registration in week 10. Everything is just as it should be and we get to listen to the baby's heart beat again.
Week 25: This is where I am now and I'm happier and feeling better than ever. I'm getting more and more excited about our new family member and can't wait to see the little