I wonder what the weather will be like on the day, hopefully it won't be too hot since the race is during the day. My start is at 14:50 in the afternoon, I'm in the special charity group and my start number is 38259. If anyone wants to follow me and how I'm doing during the race, you can send a text "GV 38259" to 72700 ;) It costs 30 SEK.
One thing that I haven't been able to do yet is to find out if my stomach can handle the sports drink. I will have to go for a run during the week and bring some with me to see if it works ;) I hope it does since you'll hopefully get more energy than from water!
My training has looked like below in the last while, gonna continue running for 3 more weeks but I've decided to rest in the last week:
Week 10
Monday: Bodypump 55 min
Wednesday: 10 km run - 10km/hr
Week 11
Tuesday: 5,47 km run - average 10,94km/hr (interval training)
Thursday: 14 km run - 9,94 km/hr
Week 12
Monday: Bodypump 55 min
Friday: 10 km run - 11,23km/hr
Week 13
Thursday: 6 km run - 10km/hr
Week 14
Monday: 10 km run - 10km/hr
Wednesday: 10 km run - 10km/hr
Week 15
Wednesday: Spinning 55 min
Saturday: 14,95 km run - 10km/hr
Week 16
Wednesday: 5 km run - 10km/hr
Friday: 5,5 km run - 9,43km/hr
Sunday: 9,5 km run - 10,18km/hr
I was hoping to do a 16-17 km run before the race but I have given up the thought of that. I think it's better to leave it until the 21st of May. I'll take the train down to Gothenburg in the morning and then back again in the evening. I'm hoping that somebody will come and meet me at the central station later on that night to lift me off the train ;)