I'm back from an absolutely fantastic trip to Duved/Åre with the best gang of colleagues :) We've had so much fun from start to end. The fact that I haven't slept much at all doesn't bother me, I'm catching up on my sleep now instead ;) Started the trip by jumping on the night train on Thursday night, we had a
before ski drink together and chatted to each other all excited about the trip. Didn't stay up too late since we wanted to get some sleep before we arrived to Duved on Friday morning, I can't say that I slept well but got a few hours sleep anyway. As soon as we got there we walked to the hotel and checked in before we had some breakfast together. I shared a room with my partners in crime Jessica and Petra! After breakfast it was time for some skiing and we stayed in Duved for the day. Funnily enough we didn't see many people in the slopes, but it was a fun day and I was happy that my skiing boots were so comfy :)
Later on in the afternoon we went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner, squeezed in in one of the rooms and had some drinks beforehand. After dinner we enjoyed ourselves in the hotel and I played some table tennis :) Then it was time to head out to Åre village. We went to one place first where we had some drinks and later on we headed to
Bygget. At Bygget we listened to
Marmeladorkestern when they played and danced away!! Had a great time that night and didn't get to bed until 4 o'clock!
On Saturday the plan was to head to Åre for some skiing and the bus left at 8:50 which meant we had to get up at around 7:30 to get some breakfast. I was a bit tired but was looking forward to going skiing in Åre. Jessica met up with a friend of hers so myself and Petra did some skiing together. Met up with the rest of the gang at a lunch place in the slopes later on and had a lovely goulash soup. After that it was time for some more skiing before the after ski at
Fjällgården. There were loads of people there!
When it was over myself and Petra went down to the bus stop to get back to Duved. I was tired, cold and hungry and that stage and my legs were a bit sore from the skiing. Luckily Petra rang Jessica because instead of having to take the bus they came to pick us up with a taxi - happy days! Came back to the hotel and bumped into a "black and blue" Emil. He had had quite a bad crash earlier that day and his lip was slightly bigger than normal ;) Even though he was in so much pain he was in a good mood and I was laughing my heart out when he was telling his story, poor guy! Had dinner at the hotel altogether again and headed out to Bygget again that night. Everybody was in good form and we were dancing loads!

On Sunday everybody took it easy, a lot of people stayed in the hotel to chill out. Myself and Petra were determined to go skiing so that is what we did. It was snowing that day and the slopes were so nice and soft :) Came back after a few hours to pack and get ready to go home. Took the train, which of course was delayed, at 18:45 and had some dinner in the hotel before we left. I was absolutely shattered at this stage and went to bed at around 20:00!! Slept for a few hours anyway and at 3:45 we arrived to the central station. I got up and took a taxi home so I could get ready for work, there was no point in going to bed just to get up again so I got into work at 6:30!
All in all it was a great trip and I'm so happy to have so many lovely colleagues. Mats and Karin had done a great job organising this trip and I'm already looking forward to going next year again!!