Finally I took the time for some scrapbooking, it has been weeks since the last time and I've really missed it. I had material left from
Molly's Scrapbooking kit for January so decided to use that and a photo from Vemdalen. We were there last year with work and on Thursday next week it's time for another ski trip with my lovely colleagues, this time we're heading to Duved/Åre and I'm really looking forward to it :)
I had ordered a mist spray in a dark turquoise colour, also from Molly's scrapbooking, so I decided to spray some of that on a white cardstock. The photo in this layout was taken when it was time for the yearly ski competition and we're all ready to go ;) I've added some things (like the white flowers, the grey scrapbooking paper and the pink, glittery fonts) on this layout from my own supplies but most of it is from the January kit. I got inspired by one of the layouts that my friend
Emmeli has created and for the first time I decided to use my sewing machine as well.
Hopefully I'll have time to do some birthday cards today as well, there are a lot of birthdays coming up ;) Soon it's time for lunch and then I'm heading to the gym for a run. Haven't been there since Wednesday so I'm dying for a work out. I woke up with a sore throat on Thursday morning and decided not to risk anything, therefore I skipped the spinning class on Friday :( I think it was a good decision because now I'm feeling fine again and never got sick.
Last night myself, my brother and Maria had some dinner together in my apartment and we also watched the film L
ove and other drugs with Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway. I don't think Jake is that good looking normally but I really didn't mind looking at him last night ;) He is looking really well in this film. I cooked Bolognese with vegetable bulgur, a recipe that came with my last delivery from
Middagsglädje. It was really nice and a bit different. Tonight it's time for the next delivery so time to cook again ;) I love getting inspiration and it's so handy to have all the food delivered to your door, then you just pick a recipe of your choice and follow it!