söndag 2 oktober 2011

What a (horrible) week

Thank God this week has come to an end, it has not been the best week of my life and I feel drained! It started off with the fact that F and I had found a lovely apartment that we wanted to buy but after a bit of consideration we decided not to go for it. That was the fourth apartment we had set our eyes on and therefore we felt a bit low after that. On Tuesday I got the photographs of my apartment from the estate agent, they were really good so I was extremely happy about that. But that happiness was quickly overshadowed when I found out that the bathroom I renovated in 2009 has not been done correctly. The waterproofing has not been done in a proper way and that basically means that everything has to be torn up in order to have it done from the beginning - all over again!

This is definitely the worst case scenario and now we've done our best to re-charge our batteries this weekend to have the energy to take this up with the contractors. Wish us luck! We have to put everything else on hold for the moment and just deal with this. After that we can continue with the plans of selling my apartment and we'll pick up the apartment hunt again.

On top of this I got a really bad cold this week, luckily I'm on the mend now. I was really upset this week and my darling has been so supportive, I don't know what I would've done without him. I feel bad as this is taking a lot of energy out of us both. To cheer him up a bit and to show him how much I appreciate his support I bought him some flowers on Friday and cooked him dinner. We went out with the boat yesterday as well which was really nice. Hopefully this week coming will be better than the last one, I don't want to go through all that ever again!

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