tisdag 9 augusti 2011


Today was my first working day since the 8th of July, I wasn't really looking forward to getting up early this morning but everything comes to an end and so did our summer holiday. My darling and I have had the most amazing time and I'm so grateful for these four weeks that we've had together. We haven't been out with the boat that much which is a bit of a disappointment but we have been to Sicily, Åland and Gotland and we've also had lovely days together at home.

As I told you previously, Sicily was amazing. Our two days in Åland turned out to be fantastic too, we went out with the boat twice as the weather was great. We also spent four days in Gotland and went to a beautiful wedding between Lisa and Johan. They looked so happy and the after party was at a farmhouse in a barn. They had worked for weeks to make it look the way it did and I can assure you that it looked amazing!

F and I are currently planning our winter holiday, I will have to save my money from now on to make it happen but I'm positive it will be the most amazing holiday ever!! I won't tell you just yet where we're going - we have until Friday to pay the deposit ;)

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