tisdag 30 augusti 2011


Today has been a good day in work, I finally looked into a project that I need to know the details of since we're going live with it in a couple of weeks. Since I was part of a different project earlier this year I wasn't able to manage this project at the same time, but time has finally come for a catch up and some system preparation before the big day.

Tried out the food from a new place YouGo (or YoGo as it says on the sign outside ;)) on Svetsarvägen today, they do both salads and other meals. I picked up a salad with tiger prawns and a peanut butter cream that was lovely.

Later on this afternoon I got a call from F, he had been to a customer and wanted to come up for a coffee before he went back to his office. I went downstairs to meet him and with him he had these beautiful flowers. They are in pink and orange colours and they're so beautiful!

Thanks darling, I love you!

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