söndag 24 juni 2012

Lovely day for midsummer

Friday was such an amazing day to celebrate midsummer! We all met up at Camilla's apartment and then went to Bromma Kyrka together where we knew there were going to be some traditional midsummer celebrations. The sun was shining and we found a lovely place in the grass for a picnic. Camilla and Ellinor were responsible for the food and had brought loads of goodies like bread, cheeses, ham, Swedish "skagenröra", herring, melon, strawberries, olives, biscuits etc and to top it off - the most gorgeous caramel cake!!

Needless to say I was stuffed when we walked out of there, just to go to our apartment where we were going to have a BBQ a couple of hours later. We enjoyed more yummy food in the evening and I had been responsible for baking a midsummer cake. Found a great recipe on the web and it turned out pretty well I must say. It was made of a brownie base with daim and then some strawberry mousse on top, topped with some more fresh strawberries ;)

We all had a lovely time together, thanks to everyone for making it happen!

Cake no 1 - caramel cake
Cake no 2-  my midsummer cake :)

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