fredag 15 februari 2013

There's no stopping her now

This week my little girl has seriously learnt how to turn herself around from her back to her stomach. She does it over and over again as soon as I lay her down on her back. My first thought was; Good girl, I'm so proud of you! and Emilia was really happy about it as well. But now I realise that there's a drawback. A minute or so after she has turned around she gets really pissed off as she now wants to crawl but doesn't know how to do it. She starts crying and I'm trying to put her back into her start position. But then she gets pissed off about that and starts crying again. Before I used to be able to lay her down on a blanket on the floor and she could stay there playing for about an hour or so. Now she gives me about two minutes before she starts screaming!

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