söndag 26 augusti 2012

Shopping and house hunting

What is it with the weekends, they're just flying by. I've just realised that I've only got 6 more weeks to go before I'm going on maternity leave, it's a strange but lovely feeling :) There are 8 weeks left until my due date 21st of October, I'm nervous but I'm also really looking forward to it - exciting times ahead!

Yesterday Fredrik helped Maria & Marcus to paint the rooms in their new apartment in Sundbyberg. I love the fact that they'll be so close to us until we find a house to move to :) While they were all painting, I went into town to get a few things. I wasn't there for that long and when I came back I went over to check up on the progress. Of course I brought some cookies and vanilla buns as I figured they needed some energy to keep going ;) We all had dinner together at the local pizzeria last night.

Today F and I have been house hunting. We went to view three different houses in Täby, two in Visinge and one in Skarpäng. I fell in love with the one in Skarpäng but I'm afraid that it's going to be too expensive. We'll see how the bidding goes during the week, keep your fingers crossed because we're definitely gonna give it a go.

In between the viewings we went to Täby Centrum for lunch and I bought a coat that I've been looking at in MQ. I got a 20% discount which was great, looking forward to wearing it!

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